accept in-person payments using QR codes

enter amount or choose a pre-defined product or event, and display a QR code on your mobile to accept payment

your phone is your terminal

safe and secure

your clients get to finish the transaction on their own phone without giving card details

instant notifications

get notified on the status of the payment in real time and manage payments through invoice tracking

unlimited terminals

assign a different terminal to your team members easily with multiple access levels for each terminal

ideal for occasional sales

use the in-person functionality to support your sales, and replace the otherwise expensive card machines. Start directly and pay per transaction, generate QR codes for items and allow customers to pay safely

what you get

no additional fee

pay per transaction for QR code payments, and use same account for payment links

fast and efficient

create QR codes in seconds for fixed priced items or variable amounts on the go

cards and wallets

multiple payment options such as debit and credit cards, apple pay etc are available